My Story
by Dragana Van de Moortel-Ilic
1. Before the storm
2. The beginning of the end
3. Meeting Chiron
4. The translation - living on the high heels
5. Stopping with the translation - the hell
6. The healing - back to the normal life
7. The baby is born
1. Before the storm
Let me introduce myself first: born in Kikinda, a small historical
town in Vojvodina (northern province of Serbia), as a child very
disciplined and ambitious, good in natural sciences and literature,
raised in the country which looked ideal to me. Powerful president
Tito, with the famous sentence "Every country which has young
people like we should not fear for it's future", beautiful
nature from the Alps via the Adriatic Sea and Danube, to the warm
lakes of Ohrid or Dojran... Can someone need more? I was happy
to grow up in such a progressive and rich country, in Yugoslavia.
In 1988, being for a long time occupied with astrology, I realized
that Pluto just came into my forth house. In this year as an au-pair
I lived with a rich Jewish family in north London and, yes, I
connected the influence of Pluto with the power of this family,
some other world, which, luckily, was in tune with mine. In this
period of time I watched on TV the "yoghurt revolution"
in Novi Sad, the city where I graduated in chemistry and which
later became my resident place. Many people on the street protested
against the autonomy of our rich province Vojvodina and wanted
to melt with central Serbia. A surprise to me because Vojvodina
was always a very specific part of Serbia. Before WW1 it was a
piece of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Multicultural, calm, peaceful.
"Who is this Milosevic who became a very popular politician
in Serbia? He obviously finds many people who are rather nationalistic."
- someone asked me. On TV in London I followed a report about
hundreds of thousands of people who loudly supported his sentence:
"Nobody may touch you any more!" (as the answer to Serbian
people living in Kosovo who claimed that Albanians terrorized
them and forced them to immigrate from Kosovo to central Serbia).
"I do not know. Never heard about him." - I answered
to the question honestly, looking at the strange reports from
In the beginning of 1989 I returned to Novi Sad and started to
work at the university as a research assistant. This had always
been my dream, to do something useful on a high level, and the
synthesis of new medications in a group of enthusiastic and intelligent
people, with the leadership of a man with a vision, Prof. Miljkovic,
was the realization of this dream. When in May 1989 I went to
our flat on the Croatian coast to rest a bit alone, one of my
Croatian friends from this village came immediately to visit me,
obviously worrying about me. "Go directly back to Novi Sad,
do not play with your life!" - he told me without even greeting
me. "What is it? Why should I go? I came as always, to walk
along the beach, to breath some fresh air. Hey, kiss first with
me, say welcome, relax, rather than explain your silly paranoia!"
- I tried to calm him down because he was nearly shaking from
angst. "Did you fall from Mars, or don't you really know
anything? People here are seriously trained for the war, there
are solders everywhere! And you are Serb!" This was a real
culmination. "And then? Should I go back to Serbia because
I am Serb and not enjoy in our personal flat next to this wonderful
sea, where I spent the most beautiful part of my life?" -
I started to be angry, considering that we are all Yugoslavs.
He suddenly calmed down, understanding that I really do not know
anything. He sat next to me, took my hands in the most friendly
way and started to explain: "Dragana, you know that we have
been friends for more than 20 years. You know that I love you
as a sister and that I respect your family. Like your best friend
I recommend you to go away because nothing is as before any more.
People from your side (Serbia) threaten my people (Croatia) with
war, and they are both crazy. There are serious weapons everywhere
and the moment can come when I will have to go to the war and
maybe shoot to your brother! You come here alone and you provoke
those extreme people from here and it is safer for you to go home
immediately. I tell this to you because I love you and I do not
want you to be surprised or attacked." His eyes filled with
tears and I started to understand that he was deadly serious and
that I definitely had no idea what was going on. We did not speak
any more, just gave the last hug, holding each other firmly, at
once knowing that this can be the last time that we were together.
He followed me to the bus and I went back.
From this moment I started to look around me. Yes, definitely,
things changed. I spent a lot of time at the university, making
my Master thesis, and, hidden in the mysterious atmosphere of
the laboratory, like real alchemists, we had a lot of discussions
about the situation in the country, hoping that we, with our discoveries,
could help to improve the situation. There was some heavy uncertainty
around, the news on TV started to sound threatening and polarized
to only one side.
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2. The beginning of the end
Then, things started to develop very quickly. Our salaries at
the university became so small that I had to leave the job. On
the other hand, people started to ask me to do their horoscopes
and I decided to do it professionally. I also enrolled the Faculty
of Astrological Studies because I wanted to do it on a high professional
level. The situation in the country went out of control and my
understanding. During the night I could hear shooting in Vukovar,
Croatia. I went to the Radio Novi Sad thinking that people have
to understand that everything can be looked at from many sides,
I spoke about Saturn in Aquarius and Pluto in Scorpio which could
be used in a positive way, and that we have to be open to positive
thinking and new solutions. Someone wanted a direct telephone
contact and in the program thousands of people listened how some
desperate man from one shelter in Vukovar gave all compliments
to my wise speech and asked me if he would survive (we heard also
a very loud shooting).
In April 1992 female members of my family from Mostar, Herzegovina,
came to my parents' house and I gave my room and all my clothes
to them. My world started to fall down and I understood that I
could not follow all deaths and blood on TV, listening on the
foreign news how Serbian people are the bad side and seeing thousands
of desperate Serbs coming as a flood to Vojvodina. Everywhere
were pain and desperation. This "Serbian aggression"
I couldn't see anywhere around me even if I observed terrible
things that happened. I became hopeless and decided to go to London,
to settle down there, study the FAS and then see what I had to
do. I felt like a ghost which had no connection any more with
reality, somehow I lost my identity and the only firm piece of
land I could step on was London. Looking out from the train which
was leaving the station in Novi Sad I noticed new thousands of
desperate people and my tears could not be controlled any more.
In this moment Pluto from my 4th house started to make a square
with my Sun; Chiron was in Cancer going into my 12th house and
I felt such a deep grief, being completely overwhelmed by it,
not thinking any more, just feeling such terrible sorrow…
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3. Meeting Chiron
London again. The same buses, taxies, buildings. I felt at home,
my friends opened their doors for me and said that I could stay
in their home as long as I wanted. I was still like a ghost. I
communicated, even laughed, but I was not really present. I realized
that I needed help to recover myself. Of course, because I believed
in astrology, I made an appointment with a respected British astrologer.
She was friendly and nice but I sat as a mummy not being able
to say where was my problem. I invested an enormous lot of energy
to stop my tears and, luckily, she was enough experienced not
to force anything. "Did you hear about Chiron?" - she
asked me carefully. "What is it?" - she finally could
hear my voice. "A planetoid, connected with wounds, who don't
not have to be physical. In your horoscope, Chiron has a close
conjunction with your Jupiter in Pisces in the 7th house, all
making a trine with your Scorpio Neptune on the IC. The pain connected
with your roots, father, country… Can you tell me something about
it?" "My father is a psychiatrist, not an easy person,
and country, you see, actually I have no country any more..."
- a curiosity about Chiron helped me to melt. I spent 6 months
in London and recovered a lot. I met this charming lady several
times, learning about the inability of my Mercury in Virgo to
say simple words if I feel too much hurt, because it was squeezed
between Uranus and Pluto and had an opposition with Chiron.
Finally I decided to go back and fight, helping people to discover
their own nature, to step back from the sad reality and in their
own micro-world make the best they can. And God helped me. In
Serbia I started to appear on TV "Novi Sad +" every
second Saturday evening. This was a light program created to amuse
a lot of people and I intertwined mythological stories with wise
words of our religious people. I always tried to say something
useful, to give a practical message to the people in difficulties,
still not touching directly any politically sensitive theme's.
Healing myself, trying to express my thinking by words, I tried
to heal the others as well. I gave lectures to local astrologers
about Chiron because they also never heard of him. Thousands of
clients passed through my small flat in Petrovaradin, the oldest
part of Novi Sad, and I learned a lot about the difficult reality
of the new life there.
Chiron. He started to penetrate deeper and deeper in my mind.
Obviously, there was no book in Serbian which talked about him,
and his influence was so obvious there. I went regularly to London
and someone there recommended a book about Chiron written by Melanie
Reinhart. I bought it and read it in a few days, nearly not sleeping
before I had seen the last page of the book. Accidentally, I noticed
that Melanie was to give a lecture in Caledonian Road and, of
course, I wanted to meet her personally. "This is Melanie."
- John from the astrological shop showed me. "So natural.
Like a nymph." - I thought, looking at a mysterious women
who managed to write such a book. I was thinking about old Serbian
folk stories about nymphs who live in woods, who always have long
hair and help to people that are lost showing them the way out
and healing their wounds if there were wounded. Our eyes met each
other. "Excuse me, may I introduce myself?" - I asked
her. "I come from Serbia and I would be so proud if I could
translate this wonderful book into Serbian." We started a
conversation and she explained to me that I had to ask Penguin
Books for the translation rights and that she would contact them
to introduce me.
The whole process with the rights was easy. I had to pay the
sum they told me and I could sign the contract: I was so happy
to see that I had full 18 months time, more than enough. My friend
Jane Rachael Malcolmson, who came from London to Novi Sad to teach
in my astrological school (not asking any teaching fee), organised
the money transfer through her VISA card because I could not do
any foreign payment from Serbia. The deadline was somewhere in
autumn 1998.
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4. The translation - living on
high heels
The translation began much slower than I thought. Without any
experience in translating a book of this size, I did not realize
that there were nearly 400 pages to translate and that this was
a lot of work. Before, I translated many texts from science for
my university work, also many texts from the FAS for my own use
and I was quite confident in translation, but such a lot of work...
I asked my friend Olivera Jankovic from Belgrade, who had lived
in America and spoke good English, to help me, for a friendly
price, but she did not have a computer, so I had to type her texts,
which meant more time... Still, in 1997, during my frequent appearance
on Channel 3 in Belgrade, I had to travel regularly there and
I could collect the texts from Lela and in the evening type them
in the computer. Because I had to work with my clients (from students
to high artists, scientists and politicians) I could translate
only late in the evenings and sometimes in the weekends. By autumn
1997 a large part of the book was already translated and I have
to emphasise that I had the most interesting period in all of
the '90s. This was not only connected with the book, although
I knew that I was doing the right thing and that people from there
would read the wise words of Melanie and understand and heal their
own pain. In my personal life I met constantly very interesting
people, from highly spiritual people, artists, enthusiasts who
saw the world in an original way to alternative healers. Rachael
came constantly from London to help me in my work. I felt loved
and respected, absolutely not isolated, even if I was aware that
the surrounding was quite dangerous. On TV I constantly cheered
up the people trying to move away their concentration from the
isolation of Serbia, criminality, change of morality, desperation.
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5. Stopping with the translation
- the hell
The fatal year of my life, 1998, started with warnings. The
isolation of Serbia became more unbearable, more people started
to feel nervous. Someone from TV told me discretely that I should
stop temporarily with my appearance: "You will understand
the situation, England is also guilty for the sanctions against
Serbia, and you are an English student..." They did not have
to tell me this twice, I was aware of it and I stopped, and some
strange fear started to surround me. I looked in my horoscope
and noticed that some strange combination of transits was going
to come: Jupiter was on the way to make a conjunction with my
Chiron/Jupiter conjunction and Pluto from the 4th would make a
square to my Jupiter-Pluto opposition. "What can happen with
it?" - I was thinking. I knew about many sides of Pluto and
Chiron but still, if I had to experience such energies on my own
skin, I was not relaxed completely, even if I knew astrology...
Then, I was invited to go to Mostar. I knew about the war in
Bosnia and Herzegovina, I had already seen different programs
about all the destruction, and I thought that I could not be surprised.
All those years I saw many refugees and heard their distressing
stories, but I personally did not see the war. My bus went through
Bosnia. Destroyed houses, poor people, no laugh. We came to Sarajevo
and because the bus came from Serbia, it could only go to the
station of the Bosnian Serbs. My uncle was supposed to wait for
me a bit further because he arrived by car from the Croatian part
of Mostar and he couldn't park on the Serbian part. Someone told
me: "If your uncle doesn't come, you can easily go to the
Muslim part of Mostar by bus, but you have to pay a taxi to drive
you 500m further from the Serbian bus station to the Muslim bus
station." (it was too dangerous to walk this way). Luckily,
my uncle was there. He came with a friend and I saw the fear on
his face because I came late, the day was on its end and it would
be dark when we travelled. I knew that officially the war was
stopped but I did not ask anything. We came to Mostar late, but
without any problem. My family wished me welcome but they all
had become much older. I realized that they had nearly no money
to buy food for me, but being PROUD, they did not want to show
it and they put everything they had on the table. I was absolutely
not hungry, but being polite I ate and even tried to make jokes.
They asked me to be firm and not completely shocked when I would
see the town. "If you want to go to the Muslim part of Mostar,
please go alone, we can not go with you. There are international
troops there, it is safe, but we are not allowed to mix with the
other part..." They did not have to explain to me. I was
aware of the painful destruction of Mostar. I thought I was.
Before the war I spent a lot of time in Mostar. I knew that my
friends had different religious roots, but who cared? I remember
nights and nights when my friends, late in the evening, would
follow me to the flat of my aunt singing songs for me. They would
even come from Mostar to the village on the sea where we had a
flat, find me somewhere after midnight, sing a few songs to me
with a guitar, and go back to Mostar, 70 km far, while they had
to work the next day early in the morning. I never felt any national
problem there.
I breathed the air deeply in and stepped out, to the destroyed
streets. Some buildings were still there, full with holes of shooting.
I went to the streets which did not exist any more. Only burned
ruins and my memory witnessed that this was a street full cafés
and happy people, a long time ago. An invisible stink of death
started to surround me. I started to feel the ghosts of the destruction
and could not go further. I had no energy to see the ruins of
the Old Bridge, I had a feeling that I would fall down if I would
see more.
"We had such a difficult time here. I killed more than 100
Serbs with my hands."
"I hate Muslims. Even my mother because she is also Muslim."
I heard voices of people I ever considered as friendly, modern,
without boundaries... There was a complete chaos in my head and
I desperately needed a fresh air, a place where I can have a connection
with God because there was no God there. I was sitting in the
middle of hell and to those who never felt it I cannot explain
how frightening and dangerous it was there, and certainly would
never advise anyone to try it.
Medjugorje. The closest spiritual place to Mostar, where millions
of Catholics come every year to pray because it is believed that
the Virgin Mary appeared there. The right place for Her to preach
about peace, I think... The church there was new and all those
people who came to find some hope left a very visible, I would
say healing energy. I took a bit of energy to go further.
The next stop is Cetinje, Montenegro. It was not easy to reach
it; again because the buses went only to stations which belonged
to the people of similar ethnic roots and in Mostar there were
no Serbs any more, so I could not travel to the border with Montenegro
which belonged to Bosnian Serbs. I managed to find the bus organized
by UN troops, went to the border, then waited a few hours until
someone passed by car and drove me to the first town where I could
take a bus, and after nearly 10 hours of travel I reached Cetinje
(around 100 km far from Mostar). In the old Orthodox monastery
of Cetinje I fell on my knees before one of the most holy relics
of Christianity, the hand of St. John the Baptist.
"Oh, God and all saints, please help those people! And help
me to stay normal"
I was praying.
In the first night in my bed in Novi Sad all ghosts of death
came back to me. I was so frightened that I was not able to move.
The whole night I was reading the Bible, feeling the terrible
pressure on my chest. "Am I becoming crazy?" - my rationality
tried to find the explanation while I could sense horns and tails
of evil creatures around me. I did not want to become overwhelmed
by this terrible energy but "it" did not want to go
away from me! The next few months I tried to work, and I did it
correctly, also I translated a bit more of the book, but in the
moment that I stayed alone without a serious occupation I was
so nervous that I had to go out and walk, hoping that this pressure
on my chest would leave me. I walked along the Danube, between
two bridges which connected Petrovaradin and Novi Sad and I felt
worse and worse. I was always fascinated with the beauty and power
of this long river and it's deep water had a power to calm me
down, but those months I felt so anxious looking at all the cars
and people who passed those bridges...
By the end of April my translation was completely stopped.
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6. The healing - back to the normal
"The light bodies are concentrated on many holy places.
We find them in the whole world, from the old temples of Mayas
to Thailand, but their closest dwelling place is the half-island
Athos in Greece and there we will try through a deep meditation
to integrate our light bodies with them. Through this process
we receive a sort of code, which we need in our spiritual development
which helps us to integrate and develop in our practical life...
Ljubisa Stojanovic, a man who has a doctorate in alternative
medicine from Russia, explained this, asking me to join his spiritual
group on the trip to Greece. I did not have to think about it
and at the end of May I appeared with closed eyes on the boat
cruising around Athos. Soft and pleasant spring Sun, a little
bit of wind, nice smell of the Mediterranean surrounding definitely
helped me to relax, the first time after more than two months.
I did not expect a miracle, but surprisingly enough, it happened!
In the same evening in the hotel room I started to breath without
this terrible tension on my chest. Not only this night, but never
more this returned again! I was completely healed!!!
Even if I was completely aware that the situation in my country
became worse and worse, personally I was not influenced by this
any more. I was very worried but this summer I spent a wonderful
time in Tunis, swimming in the warm sea and riding a camel in
the Sahara... I started to notice that men were around me, that
they laughed and could be interesting. I became a normal girl,
full of life and joy. I started to laugh, too.
In August I had enough energy to go further with the translation
and publishing of the book, but the atmosphere in the country
was so full of tension that the selling of books nearly stopped,
like all other trade. This was the worst moment to publish a new
book and I gave up the project. Still, I managed to sell my flat
in Petrovaradin, next to the military bases, and buy a house in
the beginning of the national park Fruska Gora, a small mountain
range full with old Orthodox monasteries. Moving the things from
the old flat and driving many times along the military bases,
looking at the solders which were also moving something, I was
very aware of a presence of this frightening energy, but I was
sure that "this" could not reach me any more.
"Serbia will be bombed, it is openly spoken about it in
Belgium, come here and be safe!"
my friend from the British astrological conferences Koen was shouting
via the telephone.
"But, I am not afraid and I do not want to run away. If everyone
stays under the bombs I can also do it!"
I tried to avoid a decision, knowing that my coming to Belgium
would have to be connected with a personal relation with this
man who started to come closer to my heart. Still, thinking more
about the idea to go there I could find less and less reasons
not to go.
"Do not avoid love, and you will never know if
he is the right person for you if you do not try." - my friends
advised me.
Everything further went without any force, like that God's hand
was holding and leading me. In the time when the book was supposed
to be published the Belgian embassy rejected my application for
visa and Koen came immediately to Novi Sad. We married without
having any relation before it, because this was the only way I
could leave the country. Still, I was waiting next four months
for the visa and left the country four days before the bombing.
The spring of 1999 was very challenging. On the one side, starting
to know my husband and being really at once married, I had to
adapt to this change. On the other side, listening the news I
was days and nights under a terrible stress. So many lies on TV
made me crazy! "Today was successfully destroyed the bridge
in Petrovaradin, Novi Sad, which was the main route for the Serbian
army to send tanks to attack Kosovo." - brainwashed the speaker
talking about the small bridge next to my past neighbourhood which
was 500 km far from Kosovo, which was used only by the local inhabitants
and would definitely fall down if a few tanks would even try to
pass over. And even if those few old tanks would try to go such
a long journey they would not have to pass the bridge because
Petrovaradin is already on the right side of the river.
" Many Serbs nurse a centuries-old anger toward the Moslem
world because of the occupation of their land by the Ottoman Turks
in the 13th century... as though they have ingested these archaic
memories through their mothers' milk..." - even some famous
astrologers spread over politically coloured opinions, being involved
in anti-Serbia politics, not even checking in the history books
that this was in the 15th century and indeed not trying to understand
the archetype of the people from the Balkans, full of remembering
of love and pain, passion and wars.
"Is it possible that the politics of nationalism and destruction
on the territory of ex-YU is caused by the collective memory about
the occupation by the Turks and the fact that they grabbed mostly
Serbian but also Croatian male children from the nest of their
parents, changed their religion and made the best Turkish army
against Serbs and Croats?" - I asked the best known Belgian
expert about the situation in the Balkans, professor Mon Detrez
from the University of Ghent.
"Such a sentimental expression you can use for poetic texts,
but the war is always connected with politics. If you know the
interests of the big countries you will easily predict many wars,
but this is very difficult and very sensitive." - he confirmed
my opinions.
From the beautiful French cliffs where I would walk hand in hand
with my husband I would run to the anti-war demonstrations in
Brussels. I still could not understand why Novi Sad had to be
bombed 77 days, with all bridges destroyed, with half a million
of people around still living in ecologically changed conditions
as a result of the bombing. The NATO did not reach any aim, if
their aim was really to make a damage to the army. They only made
a life long trauma for millions of people who live there and more
millions of their friends and families who live abroad.
Being conscious of my inability to change anything there I tried
with all rest of my energy to create my own life on the best possible
way. Rachael visited me in August 1999 and we went together to
France to look at the fascinating Total Sun Eclipse and I felt
less alone so far from my country. From September 1999 I was able
to start to learn the Flemish language (Dutch) and to integrate
better in the new country. The "down on earth" mentality
of Flemish people, mostly farmers during history, was something
completely new for me and not easy at all. My free life full of
enthusiastic fights for change had changed into a classical marriage
life. People around were friendly but oriented to their own life
and their own personal problems and joys. Discussions about something
"paranormal" or "from the border of the science"
were only present on some organized lectures, mostly in the association
"The Round Table" organized by my husband. Beautiful
concerts, extremely tasty food, magnificent architecture of Ghent,
the city where we still live, and constant exchange of love with
my husband were definitely pleasant to me.
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7. The baby is born
There was one positive side in such earthy way of living. In
this surrounding, feeling emotional stable, we attracted a new
soul to come to us, to help him to realize himself as a person.
In November 2000 our son Boris was born. Holding the baby in my
hands, some deep feeling of injustice started to occupy me. I
was so happy and fulfilled as a mother but... My other baby, the
book which nearly was born and in which I invested a lot of love
and energy, stayed as a file in my computer which was not opened
for a long time. In March 2001. My dear friend Rachael, who was
always so supportive and who believed in my work, left us forever,
adding more sorrow in my heart, but also reminding me even without
being physically with me, that I did not finish my work. When
Boris became a little bit less dependent on me and I had more
time I contacted Melanie and Penguin Books asking if I could have
additional time to publish the book. I received one more year
to finish my work.