Articles by Guest Writers
Hybrids: Machines, Monsters and Medicine
Brian Clark writes a most illuminating piece about familliar mythic hybrid creatures,
and extends the discussion into our relationship with machines. Thoughtful and
relevant for 'these times''.
The Jupiter-Chiron Cycle: Weaving the Ways of Wisdom
More inspiration from the inimitable Brian Clark.
The conjunction he shares his thoughts about is exact on March 12th 2023 @ 06.53 GMT in 14°26 of Aries.
The Nick Fiorenze Archive
On October 24th 2020, brilliant astrologer Nick Fiorenze (DOB 7.12.1953) returned to his 'home in the stars'.
His website has already been taken down, but astrologer David Leskowitz kindly let me know that some of it was
captured by the Wayback Machine. The link above will take you to a page titled "Astronomy and Astrology
of Asteroids, Centaurs and Dwarf Planets." Many of the links on that page are live, providing a precious
doorway into Nick's truly inspirational and inimitable work. Enjoy exploring ...
The Great Conjunction in Aquarius
Part One
Part Two
Astrologer Nick Hughes shares his thoughtful perspectives on
the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, and reminds us to stay aware of what thoughts and beliefs
we entertain, and also reminds us of the importance of the Leo energies ...
From Outrage to Fake News:
Neptune and Popular Culture 1970-2021
James Lynn Page sails the high seas of Neptune, drawing our attention to the 'obvious'
which we've all been living through but which we may not have noticed!
(This being characteristic of Neptune!)
Coronavirus and Astrology -
Eclipses and the Saturn-Pluto Cycle
Astrologer Mercedes Simon takes the 'long view', giving us a fascinating historical time-line of the
Saturn-Pluto cycle in relation to previous pandemics. From 540 AD until now!
Chariklo's Story: What best serves Love
Kelley Hunter's beautiful imaginal re-telling of the mythic
story of Chariklo. Be transported!
Pan and the Pandemic
Brian Clark, co-director of Astro*Synthesis, reflects on the god Pan, whose name is invoked
in our word 'pan-demic', and whose soul-process has profound implications for all of us at this time ...
Astronomical Dating of the Mahabharata War
A book by Dieter Koch, Zurich, Switzerland.
A stunning piece of astro-maths and cosmic detective work which engages with the question
of the dating of these ancients texts, and the events described in them.
Star of Bethlehem
Another gem from Dieter Koch, here exploring the astronomy of various 'candidates'
for the biblical Star of Bethlehem, including Jupiter, Saturn and Venus.
The Thirteenth Sign
Every year or so, someone in the media
claims that "Astrologers Have Got It All Wrong"
because there are 'really'
THIRTEEN, NOT TWELVE signs of the Zodiac.
Shock! Horror! There are actually two contenders -
Arachne and Ophiucus.
Read Kim Farnell's history
of how this happened ...
The Transit of Venus - A Silent Silvery Star
Article by Brian Clarke of Astro*Synthesis, Melbourne
Soul Connections in the Sea
An article by Helen Kaye Watts about the Orca, giving an evocative portrayal of the creature
associated with Orcus, the TNO (Trans-Neptunian Object) discovered in 2004.
Click here for more information about Orcus.
Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune by Phoebe Wyss
Linking the previous of periods of history when this triple conjunction occurred confirms its significance
as a time when there is an influx of spiritual energy relevant to forthcoming times ...
(First published in the Journal of Astrological Association of Great Britain.)
Chiron and the Thessalian Healers
Brian Clarke, co-director of Astro*Synthesis shares his research with us. His thesis title was
'Disease and the Deity: Medicine and the Divine in Early Greek Literature and Myth'
for which he was awarded in 2006 an M.A. in Classics and Archaeology.
(More articles by Brian ...)
And The Centaurs
From Sue Tompkins book, 'The Contemporary Astrologer's Handbook', a classic, comprehensive
reference book, written in an accessible and engaging style.
Story' by Dragana Van de Moortel-Ilic
The poignant and astonishing story of astrologer Dragana Illic, surviving the war in the
Yugoslavia while engaged in the long labour of translating 'Chiron and the Healing Journey'
into the Serbian language.
1993 Conjunctions Of Uranus And Neptune
Where are you in the Hidden Revolution? An article by Melanie Reinhart and Darby Costello.
Until March 2011, when Uranus moved into Aries, Uranus and Neptune were in mutual reception
(in each others' signs) for many years: this articles evokes and describes the blend of their energies.
The themes they represent become relevant every time these two are in 'hard' aspect to each other.
In 2019, Uranus and Neptune were semi-square each other, the first hard aspect between them
since the 1993 conjunctions. By 2020, Saturn was in Aquarius, as it was 'back then'!
All website contents copyright © Melanie Reinhart 1989-2024 [except where alternative attribution is noted]. All rights reserved.